Five ways to increase cause awareness
30 March 2019
So you're all signed up to the Celtic Community Lottery and you've sold your first bunch of tickets to family and friends.
Now what?
If you're going to increase ticket sales - and ultimately the fundraising pot - you're going to have to think big. Being in a bricks-and-mortar building, with active members buying tickets, is obviously very helpful. But what if you're just online, or what if you've signed up all interested members and are scratching your head over what to do next?
Here are five simple ways to increase awareness of your good cause, and increase ticket sales.
1. Good old fashioned leaflet distribution
Bradford Irish Society printed and posted leaflets through doors within their local community and they've had a great response to these. Bradford are leading the ticket sales charts for Celtic Lottery at the moment and the leaflet distribution will have been an integral part of that increase in ticket sales.
2. Host an event
Events don't have to be overly grand or expensive. Host a coffee morning where every attendee gets a coffee, cake and leaflet on arrival. Maybe, if you don't have a building to host in, you can hire a hall for a small fee and host a talent show, with all proceeds going either to your own good cause or to a local charity. Again, hand out your leaflets to attendees and show you are a real part of the community.
3. Get social
Social media is an ever growing form of communication. If you have a facebook page or a twitter account, these can be great ways to spread the word about your lottery. We can provide some extra hints and tips for starting and growing social media accounts if you need them - email [email protected] and we'll help you to get up and running in no time at all.
4. Draft in family and friends
So you've got your Uncle Bob to sign up. Great - now think about how he could help even further at no extra cost! Does he have a shop where you can leave leaflets on a counter top? Perhaps he's a member of the local bowling club and wouldn't mind handing out some flyers to his team mates, or pinning something up on the notice board at work. You don't have to pressure people into doing your marketing - much of the time they are happy to help!
5. Get it in print
Many areas have a local magazine or newspaper, and these often have a community section. Why not send a quick email to the editor of these and see if they'd be interested in covering your story? Give them details of your plans for the funds raised - everyone loves a feel-good community story!
There are many ways to increase your potential reach and e'd love to know what's working for you. Pop over to our facebook page (search Celtic Community Lottery) and share your tips with the other Celtic Community Lottery Good Causes.
Good luck!
Our causes are on track to raise £2,223.00 this year
95 tickets of our 600 ticket goal
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